First Program – Lighting Up LED

Making the InoDrive’s Custom LED turn “On” Step by Step.

This program will light up the Custom LED on the lower right portion of the InoDrive.

1. Select a block by first clicking the Module button to expand the menu and display it’s blocks. Then drag and drop the Module’s Custom LED block into the Main Loop section of the Main Block

2. Now observe the options within the block, start by clicking the Off drop down to select how the LED will behave

3. Select which color you would like the LED to use

4. Select the Slot option to launch the Slots dialog box from which we can choose the InoDrive we will be targeting with our LED project.

5. Select the Check Box in the leftmost circle. This ensures that the target InoDrive’s resources go to the the Local slot, which is the default location for resources (like motors, instructions, inputs, etc) to be stored for use. More slots are helpful if you have multiple groupings of resources to work with, as in you have more than one InoDrive to send resources to, which would then require multiple slots be created.
For our purposes today, we can just click that check box and press the select button.

6. Now all of the options within the block have been configured.
The leftmost circle is the next step. Click on this Modules button to launch the Modules dialog box.

7. This Modules dialog box shows the InoDrives list. Since we have not done this before within this project, it is blank.
Select the Create New button to launch the New Module dialog box. The New Module dialog box now enables the input of an InoDrive module.
First give it a name. Name must have no spaces, only numbers letters and underscores, between one and twenty characters.
Next enter in the IPv4 Address, SN, or Name. Let’s enter that Serial Number which can be found on the face of your InoDrive module. press the Create button, and then close the Modules dialog box to return to our workspace

8. With the Project complete and the InoDrive ready, click the button in the red circle to save the project.

9. Save File dialog box will pop up, enter the Name you would like to assign your project to and enter any description which may help you or others in the future.

10. When Save button is clicked, your project is saved to your account and is able to be accessed from anywhere in the world. You may now either exit the Programmer or continue on to the Second Program

11. Finally, load the application to the InoDrive. Click the circled Build and Upload button.

12. The project will be built, compiled, and downloaded onto your target InoDrive. The Connect App will pop up in an additional browser (thus the necessity to allow pop ups) to display the process of your application being taken from the Programmer, through the Connect App, and sent to the physical InoDrive Module through WebSocket connection established by the Connect App.

Successful completion of this process will result in a Success message in the output. You may see some warnings here about part of you main block being empty, it is normal to receive this warning because there is nothing listed in the main loop.
You will now also see the color that you chose from the LED block being lit up on the Custom LED.

Continue to Second Program