Programming Reference / Motion / Get Motor Status Flag

The Get Motor Status Flag block returns a Boolean value for any of 15 specific states regarding the motor and InoDrive connected at the selected Slot.

Get Motor Flag Items

Item Description
Enable Returns true if the connected motor is enabled
Done Returns true if the InoDrive is done with a motion command
Stopped Returns true if the connected motor is stopped
Homing Returns true if the InoDrive at the selected Slot is in the process of executing its homing function
Homing Failed Returns true if the homing function failed
Homing Done Returns true if the homing function is done
Hall Sensor Fault Returns true if any one of the 3 Hall Effect Sensors signals are missing or do not change state
In STO Returns true if either of the two STO inputs is not energized
RDC Failure Returns true if a fault is detected in the Regenerative Dissipation Circuit (RDC)
Under Voltage Fault Returns true if the DC Bus voltage has fallen below the defined limit established for the operating voltage detected upon power up. This state is latched and requires a Clear Faults function to clear.
Driver Fault Returns true if a fault is detected in the motor driver circuit
Over Voltage Fault Returns true if the DC Bus voltage has risen above the defined limit established for the operating voltage detected upon power up. This state is latched and requires a Clear Faults function to clear.
I2T Warning Returns true if the accumulated I2t value has reached 50% of its maximum value
I2T Limiting Returns true if the accumulated I2t value has reached 100% of its maximum value and the InoDrive is limiting the current to the motor
Faulted Returns true if there is a general module fault

Over/Under Voltage

Upon power-up, the InoDrive measures the input voltage and determines certain operational parameters based upon this measurement. One of these parameters is the operational voltage. The following chart indicates the voltage ranges that determined the operating voltage as well as the voltage values that will trigger the overvoltage and undervoltage fault flags:

VoItage Range Operational Voltage Overvoltage Trigger Undervoltage Trigger
10.5V < Vin > 15V Standard 12V 17.5V 9.5V
22V < Vin > 26V Standard 24V 29V 18V
34V < Vin > 37.5V Standard 36V 40V 30V
45V < Vin > 49.5V Standard 48V 52V 42V