Programming Reference / Math / Get One Item Arithmetic

A can be a Value or a Variable

Available Operations

Operation Description Example
ABS Absolute Value If A = -235 then ABS of A = 235
Negate Bitwise inversion of value If A = -22 (1110 1010) then Negate of A = 21 (0001 0101)
Invert Inverts the sign of the value If A = -22 (1110 1010) then Invert of A = 22 (0001 0110)
POW Raises A to the power of B Gives two values, the first is the base number and the second is the exponent that the base number is raised to.
SQRT Returns the Square Root of a value If A = 16 (0001 0000) then SQRT of A = 4 (0000 0100)