Programming Reference / Logic

Item Name Type Description
If Then Else Operation Performs logical If Then Else on an operand that produces a Boolean result. Instruction can also be configured to multiple Else If conditions.
One Shot Operand Accepts an input operand that returns a Boolean result. Depending on the selected drop down parameter; executes the encompassed instruction(s) for one program scan
Compare Operand Performs the selected comparison operation between the two required input operands and returns a Boolean result to the operand of the instruction where it is inserted
AND OR Operand Performs the selected logical AND or logical OR function between the two required input operands and provides Boolean result to the operand of the instruction where it is inserted
Boolean Constant Operand Returns the selected Boolean True or False result to the operand of the instruction where it is inserted
NOT Operand Performs a Boolean Inverse operation on the input operand and returns the Boolean result to the operand of the instruction where it is inserted
Boolean Test Operand Accepts an input operand that returns a Boolean result and provides an operand to evaluate if the result is True and a separate operand to evaluate if the result is False