Programming Reference / Motion / Set Electronic Gearing

The Electronic Gearing block is designed for applications requiring precise coordination between a Master Motor and a Follower Motor. Users can seamlessly configure and control the relationship of these motors by establishing a virtual coupling mechanism between axes. Using values from the Master Motor, the Follower Motor can move in tandem with the Master.

The Master:Follower Ratio describes the distance that one motor moves compared to the distance that the other motor moves.
A ratio of 1:1 with no offset would denote an identical movement for each motor, both going the same distance and direction – “Distance of Master”:“Distance of Follower”.
A ratio of 1:2 with no offset means when that the Master Motor makes one full rotation, the Follower Motor makes two full rotations.
Utilizing negative numbers will change the direction of the rotation. A ratio of 1:-1 means that if the Master Motor moves in a positive direction, the Follower moves in the negative direction and vice versa.

The offset can be thought of as the position of the Follower when the Master is at position zero.

Electronic Gearing Options

Item Description
Enable Establishes a new Electronic Gearing relationship between the Master and Follower Motors
Disable Disables the Electronic Gearing Configuration
Offset Unit that denotes constant relational position of Master Motor to Follower Motor. This can be set to a variable (DINT, INT) or numeric value in either a positive or negative direction.
Advanced Alters the offset of the Follower Motor in relation to the Master Motor. This option is in active development and is unlikely to be the correct choice for your application at this time

Set Gearing Position/Speed Options

Item Description
Commanded Position Maintains the motors’ relationship to each other unwaveringly based on the constant configured ratio and offset parameters. Most commonly chosen as it allows for Follower Motors to run without adjusting for the Master Motor’s potential slight variations
Actual Position Maintains the motors’ relationship to each other dynamically, based on the configured ratio and offset parameters. Less commonly chosen as it requires the Follower Motor to exactly follow the Master Motor’s course and calculate its movements based on the Master Motor’s real-time movements which can accumulate error
Commanded Speed The speed which has been assigned to the motors, each motor acts on its commanded speed as established by the application, ignoring small discrepancies brought on by environment/circumstance
Actual Speed Takes into account the Master Motor’s measured speed and calculates the speed for the Follower Motor, potentially accumulating error

Set Gearing Ratio Options

Item Description
Fraction Avoids accumulated error in fractions with repeating decimals. For Example: 5:9, 1:9, 2:3
Decimal The choice for gearing ratios with easily reduced fractions. For Example: 2.0, 2.5, 7.0