Programming Reference / I/O / Set Output to Variable

This instruction requires you to add an Operand instruction to complete the function. These operands can be a Variable you have defined, a Boolean Logic statement, or a Constant

Click the Slot box to select the InoDrive you wish to address and then select which of the 3 Digital Outputs you want to manipulate on the Slot. If the Data Type of the Variable you selected is Boolean, then the selected Digital Output will energize if True or de-energize if False. If the Variable you assign is non-Boolean, then the Digital Output will be energized for any non-zero value and de-energized for a zero value.

In the case where you select All , a Boolean data type variable will only affect Digital Output 0. If the assigned variable is non-Boolean, then the 3 LSB of the value will be used to change the state of the 3 Digital Outputs.
Within the Logic Instruction Group there is a Boolean operand that lets you select between True and False. This instruction can be used as a valid operand for the Set Output to Variable instruction
Within the Variables Instruction Group there is a Numeric Constant operand that lets you provide a value. This instruction can be used as a valid operand for the Set Output to Variable instruction. If you select an individual Digital Output, then this constant value will be cast to a Boolean value (zero = False and non-zero = True). If you select All then the 3 LSB of the value will be used to change the state of the 3 Digital