InoDrive / IO / getOutputsData


Get information about the outputs relevant to the target InoDrive

Returns: Outputs Data (Object)
Digital (Integer): Voltage State of Outputs
Digital_Faults (Integer): Fault State of Outputs
Brake (Integer): Motor Holding Brake State
Brake_Fault (Integer): Motor Holding Brake Fault State
Success (Integer): Successfully retrieved Outputs Data, True or False

// Import InoDrive API Library
import { InoDriveApiJS }  from "ck-inodrive-api" 

// Instatiate the API
let InoDriveApi = new InoDriveApiJS.InoDriveApi({ connectAppUrl: "", secure: false })

// Instantiate InoDrive Object
let Drive = await InoDriveApi.InoDrive({ target: "Name", autoConnect: true })

// Get Outputs Data from the Module
await Drive.IO.getOutputsData()