InoDrive / UserApp / getVar


Get Variable(s) value by name or id in User Application, does not poll User Application Variable List.

argv/props Argument can be a single Variable Name (String) or a ID (Integer). Can also be a List of Variable Name’s or ID’s.
Float Precision (Integer): (Optional) Keyword argument to round up floating point value to nearest digit.

Returns: Object Value(s) of the variable(s) that you’ve specifically called for

// Import InoDrive API Library
import { InoDriveApiJS }  from "ck-inodrive-api" 

// Instatiate the API
let InoDriveApi = new InoDriveApiJS.InoDriveApi({ connectAppUrl: "", secure: false })

// Instantiate InoDrive Object
let Drive = await InoDriveApi.InoDrive({ target: "Name", autoConnect: true })

// Get Multiple Variables Value by ID
let varList = Drive.UserApp.getVar([0, 1, 2])

// Get Specific Variable Value by Name