InoDrive / File / read, transferType)

Read file(s) from the InoDrive module by providing file path and content type.

Files (Object or Array): A single object or an array of objects to iterate through. Each entry needs a file path and content type (‘JSON’ or ‘String’).
Transfer Type (Number): TLV command header, only to be used for reading the whole User Application or Firmware file. For non-UserApp/Firmware files (most use-cases) it can remain blank

Returns: File Content (Object or Array) – An Array of objects with either JSON or String UTF-8 content. If only one file, it Returns first element in the list.

// Import InoDrive API Library
import { InoDriveApiJS }  from "ck-inodrive-api" 

// Instatiate the API
let InoDriveApi = new InoDriveApiJS.InoDriveApi({ connectAppUrl: "", secure: false })

// Instantiate InoDrive Object
let Drive = await InoDriveApi.InoDrive({ target: "Name", autoConnect: true })

// Read File at Path and Return content in a JSON (object) format
let content = await{ path: "/dir/foo.json", content: "json" })

// Also can read multiple files at once by storing them in an array
let files = [
    { path: "/dir/file1.json", content: "json" },
    { path: "/dir/file2.json", content: "json" }
let content = await

// Then you may choose to console log or process this information returned to you