InoDrive / UserApp / get_variable

InoDrive.UserApp.get_variable(self, id=None)

Get specific Variable in User Application that are set to Read or Read/Write by Name or ID. Does not poll Variable List.


self (Object): Reference to User Application Instance.
id (String or Integer): Argument to get Variable by either it’s Name or ID.

Returns: Dict – Dictionary containing Variable’s ID, Type, Access Level, Value, and Write Permission.

import CkInoDriveAPI

# Instantiate InoDrive Object and Connect by Name
Drive = CkInoDriveAPI.InoDrive(target='Name', autoConnect=True)

# Start polling User Application

# Retrieve Variable by ID
var = Drive.UserApp.get_variable(0)

# Retrieve Variable by Name
var = Drive.UserApp.get_variable('foo')