InoDrive / File / write

InoDrive.File.write(self, files=None, transfer_type=None)

Write file(s) operation to InoDrive with provided file path and content object.


self (Object): Reference to InoDrive File Instance.
files (Dict or List): A single File or a group of Files to iterate through. Each entry needs a File Path and its content in Raw Binary.
transfer_type (Number): TLV command header, for non UserApp/Firmware files it can remain blank or None.

Returns: Boolean – True or False on successfully writing file(s) out.

import CkInoDriveAPI
import os

# Instantiate InoDrive Object and Connect by Name
Drive = CkInoDriveAPI.InoDrive(target='Name', autoConnect=True)

# Get Relative Path to File
filePath = os.path.relpath("File Path")

# Open File in Raw Binary Format
fs = open(filePath, "rb")

# If File Stream exists read File Contents and close it
if fs:
    file_content =

# Write File Out
if file_content is not None:
    result = Drive.File.write({'path': '/dir/file1.json', 'content': file_content})