A Revolutionary and Intuitive Approach

The InoWorx Programmer utilizes a revolutionary and intuitive approach to programming and controlling your moderately sized servo motors, in virtually all applications. You can develop and configure your automation and motion control system in a ladder free, code-free environment.

Designed and engineered by our motion control team in Erlanger, KY, InoWorx is a powerful web IDE platform that gives you access to all critical design elements to solve the most demanding motion applications. It is unique in that it provides API's and pre-engineered routines for PC and SBC driven applications, while also supporting legacy communication protocols for the more traditional control architectures of the past.

The web IDE platform is accessible from any browser and is smart enough to handle all the complicated algorithms and tasks as you build and assemble your motion solution. Your time is freed up, allowing you to focus on high-value projects. Presented in the simplest and most intuitive manner, InoWorx offers powerful logic features and templates to configure motors, monitor run conditions, and coordinate motion amongst multiple servo axes.

InoWorx Programmer Features

  • Web IDE platform.
  • Platform independent software programming tools with multiple language and API capabilities.
  • Software updates and ongoing enhancements occur automatically without typical download/install and version control issues.
  • Online and fully connected. Never be without the tools you need to get the job done.
  • Block-based approach to programming.
  • Intelligent, pre-engineered routines and libraries for many common applications.
  • Multiple velocities and position feedback methods via hall effect and encoders.
  • Finger-safe packaging, well suited for remote mounting on equipment, extrusions, etc.
  • Pre-engineered motion objects to solve conveyor applications, robotic pick-and-place applications, curvilinear multi-axis applications, and much more.
  • Onboard analog and digital I/O, brake output, separate motor/logic power.

InoWorx Modules

  • InoWorx Portal™ : Login to manage subscriptions, profiles, upload programs, get updates, gain complete motion control, and more.
  • InoWorx Programmer/ Developer™ : Powerful web-based IDE.
  • InoWorx Diagnostics™: Reporting, trending, alarms, and preemptive system diagnosis.
  • InoWorx Tutorial : Create a Simple Program