Identifying InoDrive Components / LED Indicator Functions


Color Illumination Description
OFF The motor port has not been initialized and/or no Axis configuration has been defined
WHITE DIM Axis configuration has been defined and motor port is initialized, but no motor command is being given
RED ON Motor is faulted
RED STROBE RDC malfunction
BLUE ON Drive Enable circuit is de-energized, motor port is de-energized
GREEN DIM Motor is enabled, but no Run command is being given by User program
GREEN ON Motor is enabled and providing motion and/or torque
YELLOW STROBE Holding brake is configured but could not be detected
YELLOW ON I²t limit has been reached and the motor is limited to rated current

Digital Outputs

Color Illumination Description
OFF The corresponding digital output is not energized
GREEN ON The corresponding digital output is energized and a proper electrical load is detected
YELLOW ON The corresponding digital output is energized, but there is an undercurrent, overcurrent, or overheated error in the circuit

Digital Inputs

Color Illumination Description
OFF The corresponding digital input is not energized
WHITE ON The corresponding digital input is electrically energized (+24 for PNP configuration or 0V for NPN configuration)


Color Illumination Description
OFF No Power on the module or bootloader/boot up processes have not started
WHITE ON Module is powered and functional
WHITE PULSE Module is booting up
BLUE PULSE Bootloader detected valid firmware and is initializing boot up
BLUE/RED BLINK General Bootloader Fault
RED BLINK Module Firmware Fault
RED ON Data Storage Failure


Color Illumination Description
OFF No Power on the module or network initialization process has not started
WHITE PULSE Network initialization in progress
WHITE ON Network process functioning
WHITE BLINK User Application is Running but connection to one or more remote slots have not been established


Color Illumination Description
OFF No Power on the module or module in boot up process
WHITE BLINK User Application Starting
WHITE ON User Application is Running
RED BLINK User Application Failed to Start
RED ON User Application Runtime Exception, Program Stopped
BLUE ON External master connected. No User Application installed


User programmable LED where on board User Application can control color and illumination based upon program logic state